fluoride treatment auburnDental health is essential for an individual’s overall health and well-being. Healthy teeth and gums can improve our eating, speaking, and looking. However, maintaining good oral hygiene can be challenging, and specific dental problems can arise despite our best efforts. One of these issues is tooth decay, an oral disease affecting millions globally. For this reason, we offer fluoride treatment at North Auburn Dentistry in Auburn, California. Fluoride treatment has become an effective solution to combat dental problems such as tooth decay. 


What is Fluoride Treatment 

Fluoride treatment is a dental procedure that involves applying fluoride to the teeth’s surfaces to strengthen the tooth enamel and make it more resistant to decay. Fluoride is a mineral that naturally occurs in water, food, and soil. It is also added to drinking water and dental products, such as toothpaste and mouthwash. Fluoride treatment is available in different forms, such as in-office treatments, at-home fluoride rinse, or fluoride gel applications. The procedure is pain-free and takes only a few minutes.


Who Needs Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride treatment is beneficial for both adults and children. Children need fluoride treatment during their formative years when tooth enamel is developing. Fluoride treatment strengthens the enamel and makes it more resistant to damage. It also helps prevent cavities, which are common in children. Adults can also benefit from fluoride treatment, especially those at high risk of tooth decay. People with weakened enamel, exposed tooth roots, or frequent cavities can benefit significantly from fluoride treatment. Fluoride treatment can also be helpful for people who wear braces or have dental restorations such as crowns and bridges.


The Fluoride Treatment Process

The fluoride treatment process is easy. During an office visit, Dr. Brandon Dever will clean your teeth to remove plaque or debris. Once we clean your teeth, the fluoride solution will be applied to your teeth using a tray, a brush, or a varnish. Afterward, you should avoid rinsing your mouth, eating, or drinking for at least 30 minutes to allow the fluoride to absorb your teeth properly.

It is important to note that fluoride treatment is not a substitute for good oral hygiene practices. Good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing twice daily, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, are still necessary to maintain good oral health. Fluoride treatment is an additional protective measure to help prevent tooth decay and keep solid and healthy teeth.



Following a fluoride treatment, there are a few simple yet crucial steps to ensure the treatment’s maximum efficiency:

  • Avoid eating or drinking for at least 30 minutes to allow the fluoride to absorb into the teeth thoroughly.
  • Refrain from hot drinks or alcohol for several hours, which can dilute the fluoride.
  • Maintain a regular oral hygiene routine, including brushing twice daily and flossing once a day.
  • Avoid abrasive toothpastes or mouthwashes that could scrub away the fluoride.
  • Attend regular dental check-ups to monitor your teeth’ health and the fluoride treatment’s effectiveness.


Benefits of Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments provide essential benefits to maintain oral health:

  1. Strengthening Procedure: They strengthen tooth enamel, which is the tooth’s outer protective layer, reducing the likelihood of tooth decay.
  2. Reversing Dental Cavities: Fluoride can reverse early signs of dental cavities. It helps to rebuild (remineralize) weakened tooth enamel, decelerating the progression of tooth decay.
  3. Protecting Your Smile: It can impede the growth of harmful oral bacteria, thereby diminishing the acid attacks on the teeth.


Fluoride Treatment in Auburn, CA

Fluoride treatment is an effective solution for dental health, especially for preventing tooth decay. The procedure is pain-free, takes only a few minutes, and can benefit adults and children. If you want fluoride treatment, schedule an appointment with Dr. Brandon Dever today to learn more about the procedure and determine what will work best for your unique needs.